General Insect Pest Removal
Ultra Safe Pest Management specializes in pest removal, insect control, and local exterminator services in Massachusetts. Our licensed pest professionals accurately identify and remove all types of pest infestations and provide a custom long-term solution.
Pest Ant Removal
Ants are one of the most commonly encountered of all pest species. Most ants in New England are harmless and cause little to no damage to property or risk to people.
However, some ants like Carpenter Ants and lawn nesting ant species can cause significant damage to structures and landscaping in a short period of time. It is important to have a pest professional accurately identify the species of ant(s) present before a successful ant treatment can be performed.
Ultra Safe Pest will identify the type of ants present and launch a species specific treatment protocol. We do this by locating nesting sites, food sources and other areas of activity.
Our ant removal services offer a safer, more effective approach to conventional ant extermination. All ant services are backed by our industry leading warranty!
Stinging Insect Removal
Yellow Jackets, Hornets and Wasps
When encountering stinging insects like bees, hornets and wasps in Massachusetts, it is important to consult with a local pest professional familiar with the various species and habits of these potentially dangerous insects. Stinging Insect Specialists properly identify and treat wasp and hornet nests safely and effectively.
Wasps and Hornets must be treated according to species. Some wasp species are solitary and are relatively calm or non-aggressive. But some hornets have large colonies that they will aggressively defend. Humans are at the same risk of allergic reactions from wasps, hornets or bees stings.
When to call a local Wasp, Hornet or Yellow Jacket Removal Company
Never attempt to spray inside or plug the opening of a bee or wasp nest that is directly attached to or within a home or building. The bees or wasps that get trapped inside or try to flee from insecticide spray, become desperate and disoriented, often ending up inside the occupied space of a home or business. This leads to a potentially dangerous situation for residents or building occupants. For this reason it is always best to consult a local pest control provider when dealing with bees and wasps.
If you spot a nest on or in a structure or near areas where people and pets frequent, notice consistent activity in a particular area, see specimens flying in and out of an entry point, you should call a pest professional that specializes in Bee and Wasp removal.
Honey Bee Removal
Ultra Safe Pest is an active supporter of the Massachusetts Pollinator Protection Plan
Honey bees are important beneficial insects and pollinators and must NOT be EXTERMINATED! Honey bees should be preserved and protected whenever possible. Treatment or removal of a honeybee hive and the honey product can be very messy. Because honeybee colonies are so large, only a honey bee pest control professional or experienced beekeeper can safely remove a honeybee nest.
Honey Bee swarms in transit will sometimes land on man made structures to rest while scouts search for an appropriate nesting site for the colony. Bees swarming and resting are typically in a non-aggressive state.
Find a local Beekeeper to remove a honey bee colony near you.
Sometimes NO action is the best action
In general, random bees and wasps foraging around naturally outdoors should be left alone. They are in food gathering mode and will usually not sting if ignored. Remove unnatural food sources like juice, soda or fruit that may be attracting the activity. This will encourage the insects to move on to natural resources away from homes and structures.
Cockroach Extermination
Cockroaches carry a variety of bacteria that are harmful to humans and can cause a number of illnesses ranging from food poisoning to dysentery.
For years, scientists have also associated growing asthma rates among children with exposure to cockroach activity such as droppings and molted skin debris, especially among inner-city children living in infested apartment buildings, schools, daycare or other place with high cockroach activity.
A study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology entitled ‘German Cockroach Allergen Levels in schools’, A comparison of Integrated Pest Removal and Conventional Cockroach Extermination, shows that using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to control cockroaches is more effective at reducing cockroaches and their allergens than conventional spraying or “bombing” methods which do not incorporate IPM.
Ultra Safe Pest Management has aggressive solutions for any size and type of cockroach infestation!
Cockroach Removal IPM services
- Thorough inspection to identify food sources and harborage
- Pest Industry HEPA Vacuuming of visible cockroaches, debris and allergens
- Service in, under and behind all appliances and high-risk areas
- Develop a site specific, comprehensive plan of action (IPM Plan)
- Application of Insect Growth Regulators (IGR’S)
- Installing a complete trapping, baiting and monitoring system
- Conduct follow-up inspection to insure successful elimination of roaches
- Full Warranty on all cockroach services
Stored Product Pest Removal Services
Each Stored Product Pest Species requires different treatment methods. Our experts provide accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans for damaging pest beetle and moth activity.
- Clothing Moth Specialists
- Pantry Pests
- Grain Beetles
- Indian Meal Moths
- Carpet Beetles
Pest Removal For Occasional Invader Insects
Many insect pests occasionally invade a home, building or other structure. Our pest experts can help implement a control strategy for any type of pest activity.
In some cases, the sight of some of these pests will soon pass or be short lived. Often times no control strategy is needed. In other cases there may be an underlying issue that is causing the sudden activity.
Ultra Safe pest inspectors and staff entomologists are able determine what types of pest activity should be exterminated as opposed to occasional species that are merely passing through.
Stink Bugs