Chipmunk Control




Chipmunk Control

Eastern chipmunks are found throughout Massachusetts and New England. Most frequently found in forests and woodlots where they forage for food in leaf litter, chipmunks are also at home in suburban yards and city parks.
Chipmunks are diurnal. They are industrious creatures who spend their days gathering and storing food in their burrows. The food stored in their burrow will sustain them during the winter.
Chipmunk populations are on the rise. These animals have a fast reproductive cycle and  give birth to multiple litters per year. In some cases they can cause damage to property, walkways, plantings and gardens. In addition, our research has shown a significant role between chipmunks and the spread of deer tick populations.
We treat each wildlife case individually. Only qualified professionals should attempt to remove, handle, or trap problem animals. Our goal is to address the problem and implement a plan of action to prevent future conflict.
Chipmunk Prevention and Control Services

  • Trapping and Removal
  • Ground Exclusion
  • Tick Prevention Devices and Material
  • Consultation & IPM Design
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