Pentibus Ipsum Nelut

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Boston Squirrel Control

Boston Squirrel Control Squirrel Control & Prevention Squirrels are typically active during the day with peak activity in the morning and late afternoon. If you hear sounds of scurrying in the walls or attic or observe other signs of squirrels entering a structure, contact our licensed squirrel control specialists to inspect and solve the problem […]

Boston Raccoon Control

Boston Raccoon Control Raccoons are omnivores and will eat a wide range of plants and animals. Raccoons do not hibernate, but they do live in dens and become inactive during severe winter weather. Raccoons are a major host of rabies in the U.S., especially here in Massachusetts where their populations are on the rise again. […]

Skunk Control

Skunk Control Skunks are found throughout most of Massachusetts, except for the Elizabeth Islands and Nantucket. They are highly adaptable and use a variety of habitats including fields, open woodlands, wetlands, beaches, salt marshes, and agricultural areas, as well as urban and suburban developments. Preventing Conflicts with Skunks Skunks, like many other wild animals, can […]

Birds Control

Birds Control Ultra Safe Pest Management has specially trained bird control professionals on staff for any type of pest bird related activity. In Massachusetts, birds can cause significant damage to structures and other property. In addition to property damage, bird droppings and related debris can be harmful to exposed people. besides dangerous organisms, pest birds also contribute […]

Beaver Management

Beaver Management Ultra Safe Pest Management has beaver management and control solutions that promote the conservation of beavers while protecting property. Beaver Habitat and Control in Massachusetts Beavers are found throughout most of Massachusetts, but are much less common in the southeastern part of the state and are very rare on Cape Cod and absent from the islands. Beavers typically live […]

Coyote Management Information

Coyote Management Information Coyote populations here in Massachusetts have been increasing over the last 10 years. These important predators sometimes get into bad situations. We have even had recent cases of coyotes running around the streets of Boston! Coyote Management in Ma, requires special permits. Contact our wildlife professionals if you are having any conflict with […]

Possum Control

Possum Control The possum in the only marsupial (pouched animal) in North America. If the proper steps are taken, possum control and prevention can be achieved. Here in Massachusetts, possums sometimes den in attics and garages where they may make nests out of a variety of materials. When startled, possums can bare their sharp teeth […]

Chipmunk Control

Chipmunk Control Eastern chipmunks are found throughout Massachusetts and New England. Most frequently found in forests and woodlots where they forage for food in leaf litter, chipmunks are also at home in suburban yards and city parks. Chipmunks are diurnal. They are industrious creatures who spend their days gathering and storing food in their burrows. […]